Techniques and behavioural-cognitive methods in Schema Therapy of personality disorders
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Psychoter 2010;152(1):53-66
The aim of this paper is to show similarities between methods and techniques used in both Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy and Schema Therapy. This article focuses mainly on therapy of patients meeting DSM-IV TR criteria of personality disorders. When writing about personality disorders, the author understands the definition by DSM-IV TR. It is important because only after specific criteria had been defined, precise diagnosis of personality disorders was possible. Accordingly, the very next step possible to be taken were clinical studies on effective treatment of personality disorders. Based on the literature, the author attempts to substantiate the use of long-term therapy treatment when dealing with patients diagnosed with personality disorders. Referring to Young's (1994) observations, the author points to those aspects of Short-term Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy which make it inefficient in treatment of chronic problems (personality disorders). The author briefly describes similar methods and cognitive as well as behavioural techniques which are used in the course of treatment in both, Cognitive-Behavioural and Schema therapies. The author shares her general reflection on current knowledge in terms of indications to personality disorders therapy.
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