Styles of group supervision
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Szpital Kliniczny im. dr. J. Babińskiego w Krakowie, SP ZOZ Kraków
Praktyka prywatna
Submission date: 2024-07-09
Acceptance date: 2024-08-08
Publication date: 2024-11-20
Corresponding author
Joanna Sadzawicka - Olczak   

Szpital Kliniczny im. dr Babińskiego SP ZOZ Kraków, Gabinet Psychoterapeutyczny, praktyka prywatna
Psychoter 2024;209(2):45-53
Both during the training of psychotherapists and after qualification for the profession, it is necessary to undergo supervision of one’s work. Group supervision is a particular and widespread practice. The aim of this article is to show how the style of the group leader in combination with the dynamics and characteristics of the group leads to the formation of a specific type of group supervision. The article presents views on psychodynamic supervision and group functioning from an analytic perspective, by referring to the basic assumptions formulated by Wilfred Bion, group dysfunction as seen by Morris Nitsun and supervisor dysfunction as seen by Robin McGlashan. A crucial point of reference, however, is Brigid Proctor and Francesca Inskipp’s analysis of supervision groups, which allowed them to distinguish and characterise three basic types of such groups: authoritative, participative and co – operative. A separate type is the leaderless group, the collegial supervision group. Awareness of the rules governing certain groups helps to ensure an effective and creative supervision process – instead of a dogmatic preference for a particular style of work.
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