The effectiveness of Gestalt therapy in the area of emotion regulation conducted in patients with neurotic/anxiety disorders
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Uniwersytet Śląski
Szpital Psychiatryczny w Toszku ul. Gliwicka 5 44-180 Toszek
Submission date: 2014-03-08
Final revision date: 2014-08-27
Acceptance date: 2014-09-03
Publication date: 2014-12-21
Corresponding author
Maciej Janowski   

Uniwersytet Śląski, Grażyńskiego 53, 40-126 Katowice, Polska
Psychoter 2014;171(4):63-75
The aim of the paper is to evaluate effectiveness of Gestalt therapy in the area of emotion regulation. Affective processes and regulation of emotion take an important part in aetiology and clinical description of neurotic/anxiety disorder. When people who suffer this type of disorder face negative experience they often use disadvantageous strategies, such as compulsive activities or avoidance. One of the meaningful aims of Gestalt therapy is to change that negative patterns of reaction, therefore the evaluation of its effects reinforces critical thinking about the therapy effectiveness

21 participants of Gestalt therapy groups were subjects of the research. The control group contained the same amount of people. Three questionnaires were used to assess strategies of emotion regulation: the Courtauld Emotional Control Scale (CECS) by Watson and Greer, the Anger Expression Scale (SEG) by Ogińska-Bulik and Juczyński and the Questionnaire of Emotion Regulation Adequacy (KARE) by Janowski in which the subjects had to indicate strategies that they would probably use in emotional situations and those ones that they assessed as being the most profitable. Questionnaire answers were collected on the beginning of Gestalt therapy and three months later.

The results have shown some expected changes within declared reactions, but the significant modification of most optimal answers has not been noticed.

Short-lasting positive effects of Gestalt therapy in the field of emotion regulation have been confirmed.
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