Meta-cognition and Generalized Anxiety Disorder- a case study
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Klinika Zaburzeń Afektywnych i Psychotycznych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Submission date: 2016-06-24
Final revision date: 2016-12-12
Acceptance date: 2016-12-14
Publication date: 2017-05-24
Corresponding author
Klaudia Marta Sójta   

Klinika Zaburzeń Afektywnych i Psychotycznych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, Polska Wola, 73, 95-080 Tuszyn, Polska
Psychoter 2017;180(1):23-32
Cognitive - behavioural model of worries indicates the existence of meta - beliefs that play an intermediary role in sustaining the symptoms of anxiety. Patients attribute worrying twofold features. Firstly, worries are considered to be a protective factor, that prepare to deal with future problems. On the other, worry is perceived as a threat to the integrity of somatic and mental health. The importance that patients attach to their anxious thoughts determines not only the realm of undertaken emotional or behavioural strategies, but also affect the further cognitive activity. The aim of this article is to describe a useful therapeutic approach in a patient with global anxiety disorder, which provides a rapid improvement in reported symptoms.

37-year-old patient, resident of a big city, diagnosed with global anxiety disorder, being treated psychiatrically with an SSRI with no significant effect. The chronic course of the disorder, somatic comorbidities, a small amount of psychosocial resources led to a significant degradation of patient function in many areas of life activity. Based on an interview there was developed cognitive case conceptualization of the patient. Used psychotherapeutic interventions of the protocol to work on meta-worrying.

After the therapeutic intervention with using of metacognitive training methods a significant improvement of reported anxiety symptoms was obtained. The functioning of the patient’s professional field has been significantly improved.

Meta-cognitive training may be a useful method in the treatment of patients with GAD.
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