Psychologiczne aspekty funkcjonowania rodziny dziecka chorego na cukrzycę typu 1
Psychoter 2012;160(1):51-63
The aim of the article is to present, on the basis of the available subject literature, the psychological aspects of a functioning family system of a child with diabetes type 1, on various stages of the development of family life. The analysis of the impact of diabetes on the family system has been based on the theory of stress - child diabetes has been defined as a family system stressor. However, taking into consideration the specific character and complexity of the disease, it cannot be classified to only one category of stressors. The diagnosis of the disease or of its complications, and the threat to life connected with it may be, in some circumstances, a traumatic stressor to the family system. The child's disease influences all family life events and, on the other hand, it evokes some of them (e.g. periodical hospitalisation). In this way it becomes a life event stressor. Everyday self-control of diabetic and all daily difficulties connected with it, make the disease a chronic stressor that can be defined as daily hassle.
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