Perfectionism, Young's early maladaptive schemas and chronic fatigue among young women
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Catholic University of Lublin
Submission date: 2016-06-28
Final revision date: 2016-09-02
Acceptance date: 2016-09-26
Publication date: 2016-09-21
Corresponding author
Dorota Mącik   

Catholic University of Lublin, Al. Racławickie 14, 00-950 Lublin, Polska
Psychoter 2016;178(3):77-88
The aim of the study was to assess, if unexplained chronic fatigue, observed among young women, is associated with perfectionism and Young’s early maladaptive schemas. This would allow to state the hypothesis for therapeutic practice, if therapy focused on schemas and non-adaptive perfectionism may potentially result in fatigue reduce.

156 women (19-24 years) were examined. None of them had own family, they were healthy somatic and without mental disorders. For the measurement following questionnaires were used: 1) schema questionnaire YSQ-S3, 2) fatigue questionnaire (KBPZ) , and 3) perfectionism questionnaire (PAD).

The women were characterized by relatively high level of fatigue. There were a strong correlations between fatigue and non-adaptive perfectionism, and between fatigue and schemas, especially in the domain of rejection / disconnection and insufficient autonomy. It was also noted that women with the type of non-adaptive perfectionism were characterized by a significantly higher intensity of all schemas and dimensions of fatigue. Adaptive perfectionism did not have any correlation with these schemas or fatigue

These studies provide the first basis for the conclusion that the cause of chronic fatigue may be an attempt to cope with negative beliefs about yourself and the perception of the lack of effectiveness of these attempts. This may constitute a therapeutic indication for working with patients notifying a fatigue problem.
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