Personal experiences of therapists in conducting a long-term group meetings for psychotic patients
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Pracownia Psychoterapii i Badań nad Psychozami Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Rozwoju Psychiatrii i Opieki Środowiskowej
Submission date: 2015-07-30
Acceptance date: 2015-12-02
Publication date: 2015-12-21
Corresponding author
Monika Barbara Żwirska   

Pracownia Psychoterapii i Badań nad Psychozami Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Rozwoju Psychiatrii i Opieki Środowiskowej, Pl. Sikorskiego 2/8, 31-115 Kraków, Polska
Psychoter 2015;175(4):55-63
the authors attempt to describe the specificity of the long-term group psychotherapy they have been conducting for students who had experienced psychotic crises. This specificity will be addressed in terms of therapists’ emotions that have accompanied them during this group process, as well as their reflections on goals, motivation, benefits and hardships that are inherent resulting from participation in such a group, both for patients and for therapists. This report also includes a reflection concerning the precisely determined beginning and end of a group process. The role and meaning of parting with the group will be discussed, as well as problems, feelings and reflections which are specific to this group of patients. The experience of being part of such a specific group will be considered as an element of a broader therapeutic context, which is a community treatment system for people with diagnosis of a non-affective psychosis in Kraków.

Participant observation

Observation of specific phases of the group process with mechanisms specific for schizophrenic patients

Most of the goals of the group were obtained, therapists' experiences were parallell to the group process, there is a need of supervision
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