Od masturbacyjnego obłędu do zdrowia seksualnego. Zmiany w postrzeganiu autoerotyzmu w dyskursie medycznym i terapii
Psychoter 2012;162(3):65-75
The article describes the changes in perception of masturbation in medical and sexology thought from the eighteenth century to the contemporary approach. The authors begin their discussion with the analysis of the circumstances in which, masturbatory phobia erupted in Europe. Furthermore they provide a reconstruction of the most important elements in the process of progressive medicalisation of masturbation, including also forms of treatment of, masturbatory insanity. Then, the authors indicate the source of changes in the scientific perception of masturbation in the twentieth century, concluding the article with the presentation of possible applications of masturbatory trainings in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. Current views on the relation between masturbation and sexual health are also considered.