On the difficult art of using humour in therapy
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Submission date: 2017-09-11
Final revision date: 2017-11-02
Acceptance date: 2017-11-05
Publication date: 2018-01-04
Corresponding author
Dominik Gawęda
prywatna praktyka, ul. Łabędzia 21/2, 40-521 Katowice, Polska
Psychoter 2017;182(3):93-100
The aim of this article is to present situations in which in case of the ineffectiveness of traditional psychoanalytic interpretations or clarifications of what the patient says, humour is used to reduce the patient’s resistance to change and be able to continue to work more effectively with conventional means of work. The conditions under which the use of humour is legitimate are clarified and the most common mistakes made when introducing humour into therapy are indicated.
To meet the afore-mentioned goal, analysis of examples of therapy during which there was an impasse in the therapeutic relation with the patient were analysed. Also humour interventions that were successfully introduced in order to overcome the impasse are quoted.
The results obtained allow to think with optimism about the use of humour in therapy, providing that several of the conditions mentioned in the article are met.
The analysis of the clinical material presented in the manuscript leads to a conclusion that the use of humour in treatment can overcome an impasse in therapy.