Critical points in supervisory relationship
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Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej, Instytut Psychologii
Submission date: 2023-06-05
Final revision date: 2023-06-27
Acceptance date: 2023-06-27
Publication date: 2023-12-05
Corresponding author
Irena Jelonkiewicz   

Instytut Psychologii Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej Warszawa
Psychoter 2023;205(2):59-69
Supervision is described as a process containing the working alliance, intervention and supervisory relationship. This relationship exists from the beginning to the end of the supervision and has a large impact on the development and the establishment of the supervisory alliance as well as applying transference and counter transference experiences. The supervisory relationship is currently considered as the most important factor of effectiveness of supervision and supervisee’s satisfaction during the training. The strength of the alliance and perceived support from the supervisor are positively related with supervision efficacy, whereas experiencing criticism in supervision is negatively associated. The supervisor’s criticism increases supervisee avoidance coping, e.g. reluctantly treating the patient’s problems, blaming the patient, thinking about ending the therapy or showing frustration towards the patient. According to the supervisees, a good supervisory relationship is supportive, caring, open, collaborative, sensitive, flexible, helpful and non-judgemental. The question arises: what is the process of the supervisory relationship and are there any critical points that can restrict the cooperation between supervisor and supervisee? The aim of this article is to determine these critical points that could trigger reflection of the supervisor as well as supervisee. The presented topics are based on the author’s subjective choice, enriched with a review of relevant literature and own experiences of supervision. The aims of supervision, supervision tasks, supervisee’s fear, and the role of supervisor were discussed. Each topic was illustrated by an example from supervision practice.
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