History and its (unconscious) discontents
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Katedra Psychologii Klinicznej Instytut Psychologii WFCh UKSW
Submission date: 2016-01-23
Final revision date: 2016-02-01
Acceptance date: 2016-02-02
Publication date: 2016-06-19
Corresponding author
Cezary Żechowski   

Katedra Psychologii Klinicznej Instytut Psychologii WFCh UKSW, ul. Magnolii 8 m. 2, 05-509 Józefosław, Polska
Psychoter 2016;176(1):103-110
The experiences from 1939-1950 had a significant impact on mental functioning of the society, families and individuals. Traumatic and confusion of roles between victims, witnesses and the beneficiary hampered the formation of critical and reflective narrative concerning this period. Construction of inclusive narrative extended to repressed elements of history and experiences is an opportunity to weaken denials, the primary defenses and alienation. These narratives would strengthen part of the reflective and self-conscious of individuals and social groups. This task belongs primarily to historians, reporters, journalists, anthropologists and philosophers, but it can also be an area of reflection of psychotherapists who every day come in contact with the history and reality of the suffering of individuals and families. The ethical aspect of this issue can be summed up in the question: can we refuse ourselves' and patients, investigations of the stories and memories that have been largely repressed in the society? We can also wonder how macrohistoric processes affect microhistories affected - in global terms (bleeding land), but also in individual terms, which is always very personal, intimate, connected with the family of origin, and in our own beginning. The study of this beginning makes sense because it allows us to understand the unconscious aspects of suffering, envy, anger, anxiety and guilt that have become part of intergenerational transmissions.
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